

just a short introduction, since we're not actually organized enough to have this fully set up yet:

we are justine and sara, furthermore referred to as j&s.
we are cousins, aged 23 and 20, living in different provinces (way too far away from each other!) but this summer have decided to reconnect and take a cousins' roadtrip across canada (to one coast or the other.. will give an update when we decide which coast. actually.. we'll take suggestions as to which coast you recommend, come to think of it..)

the point of this blog is.. we want to know what you want [us] to do!
our hope is to find as many people as we can who have ideas as to what we should do on said road trip..
you give us ideas, we'll try and do what you want to do.. kind of like your chance to live vicariously through us for a couple of weeks :)

what can we absolutely not miss along the way? because this is our first (of hopefully many) big roadtrips together, and we don't want to miss out on something you'd recommend.

so if you have any ideas (starting with which coast we should pick) please let us know!
and send us along to your friends or family, or your friends' families, or your family's friends.. you get the idea.

hope to hear from you soon!